Mark J. Bergander, PhD, P.E
President and Chief Executive Officer
Bruce Maxfield, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
Zygmunt Kamienski
Technical Director
President: Mark J. Bergander, PhD, P.E
Dr. Bergander has received his Ph.D. in engineering from Cracow Polytechnic Institute in 1991 by publicly defending the thesis “Magnetic Flux Leakage and Hall Effect Application for Flaw Detection in Ferromagnetic Materials”. He holds a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cracow Polytechnic Institute.
Dr. Mark J. Bergander has established Magnetic Development, Inc. in Madison, CT in 1984, starting on one research project funded by the Electric Power Research Institute. This project resulted in developing the SteeltestTM line of instrumentation for testing heat exchanger tubing. This equipment has achieved the worldwide recognition becoming the industry standard for ferromagnetic tubing inspection and generating $15Mln+ worldwide sales in over 50 countries.
He has over 20 years history of successful project management and equipment sales throughout the world – managing engineering projects on four continents and developing a network of sales agents of the most of industrialized countries of the world. Dr. Bergander has demonstrated a number of times his ability to create and sell products from their very inception up to the organization of worldwide marketing. His ability to manage multiyear and complex research projects was demonstrated by successful completion of three EPRI projects, each resulting in a commercial product or service (SteeltestTM, robot for boiler inspection and a method for U-bend evaluation in nuclear steam generator tubes).
Presently, he acts as a Principal Investigator on research projects on subjects related to renewable energy, conducted under the funding from the US Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.
He is a licensed Professional Engineer in CT and MO and holds NDT Level III Certification from the American Society of Nondestructive Testing
Bergander, M.J. “Two-Stage Vapor Compression Cycle For Cooling and Refrigeration”,US Provisional Patent Application No. US60/734,112, filed with US Patent Office on 11-8-2005. Bergander, M.J. “Refrigeration Cycle with Two-Phase Condensing Ejector”, paper accepted for 11th International Refrigeration and A/C Conference at Purdue U. July 2006
Bergander, M.J. “New Regenerative Cycle for Vapor Compression Refrigeration”, DOE Office of Scientific & Technical Information, Report ID No. 850491, Jan. 2006
Bergander, M.J. US Patent No. 4,789,827: “Magnetic Flux Leakage…”, 12/6/1988
Bergander M., “Accurate Evaluation of Internal Pitting in Carbon Steel Heat - Exchanger Tubing”, Proc. of 7th EPRI Balance-of-Plant Heat Exchanger NDE Symposium, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, June 17-19, 2002
Bergander M., “EMAT Thickness Measurement for Tubes in Coal Fired Boilers”, Proc. of the 9th International Energy Conference “Energex”, Cracow, Poland, May 19-24, 2002 Bergander M., et. al. "Application of an Eddy Current Technique to Steam Generator U-Bend Characterization", Electric Power Research Inst. NP-2339, Research Project S202-2, April 1982.
Bergander, M.J., Pechacek, R, “Advancements in EMAT Technology for Boiler Tube Inspection”, Proc. of ASNT Conference, October 2000
Bergander M., Gall L., “Advances in Boiler Tube Thickness Measurement”, Proc. of Coal-Gen Conference, St. Louis, MO, July 31-August 2, 2002
Bergander, M.J., “EMAT Thickness Measurement for Tubes in Coal-Fired Boilers”, Applied Energy, 74 (2003), p. 439-444. Chief Scientific Officer: Dr. Bruce Maxfield
1961: B. Sc. in Physics, University of Alberta
1965: Ph. D in Physics, Rutgers University
2003: College of Alameda, Computer Information Services Department
Relevant Experience:
2005 to present: Scientist, Magnetic Development, Inc. (MDI) and industrial consultant. Currently on leave from MDI teaching at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in the Mechanical Engineering Dept, Centre for NDE. Also consulting for MDI, Physics LLC and others.
1983 to 2005: Industrial Sensors and Actuators
Founded Materials Engineering Associates (MEA) while an employee at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). This company was sold to Sigma Research and I worked for Sigma Research under contract for 2 years. At that time, I formed ISA. Initially, ISA specialized in the design of electronics instrumentation and sensors for non-destructive testing, processing monitoring and process control. ISA has had numerous R&D, product development and test development projects for both government and private industry. ISA has also been an active and successful participant in the very competitive Federal Government SBIR program. Founder Maxfield has been Principal Investigator on over 20 Phase I and II SBIR projects. A majority of my work during this period has been related to the design and development of sensors and their associated electronics. 1976-83: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Section Leader
Joined LLNL as R&D Group Leader of the Non-Destructive Evaluation Section in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Initially, was responsible for identifying the fundamental physics and engineering aspects underlying problem design areas that were related to the nuclear weapons design and production activities of the Department of Energy. From this base, developed solution-oriented R&D projects to address these specific problem areas, including some very short-term projects to identify immediate solutions to current production problems. Personally managed the Ultrasonic NDE R&D activities at LLNL and served as the technical interface between LLNL and the various Nuclear Weapons
Production Agencies that are spread across the country. In 1981, was appointed NDE Section Leader in charge of over 40 technical and administrative staff.
1965-76: Cornell University, Assistant Professor and Senior Research Associate
Held a variety of teaching and research positions including managing my own research projects and supervising graduate students. A majority of my research was in some way connected with the physics of metals, including superconductivity, the kinetics and spectroscopy of proteins and similar bio-molecules.
Dr. Maxfield has authored 67 publications and he holds 6 Patents.
Selected EMAT related publications:
Maxfield, B. W., and J. K. Hulbert, "Electromagnetic Acoustic Wave Transducers (EMATs): Their Operation and Mode Patterns," published in the Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on NDE, San Antonio, TX, 1975, p44 to 62.
Maxfield, B. W. and C. M. Fortunko, "The Design and Use of Electromagnetic Acoustic Wave Transducers (EMATs)," Materials Evaluation, Vol. 41, 1983, p 1399.
Maxfield, B. W., and A. Kuramoto, and J. K. Hulbert, "Evaluating EMAT Designs for Selected Applications," Materials Evaluation, Vol. 45, 1987, p 1166.
Alers, G. A., Huebschen, G., Maxfield, B. W., Repplinger, W., Salzberger, J. Thompson, R. B.,and Willbrand, A., 1990, in "Nondestructive Testing Handbook," American Society of Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, Ohio.
Maxfield, B. W., Chapter 8 in "Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation: Engineering and Biological Material Characterization" Edited by Tribikram Kundu and published by CRC Press in December 2003 |